Aaron Doubek-Kraft Software Engineer


Computer Science B.A. with Highest Honors
University of California Santa Cruz, September 2014 - March 2019

Thesis: Visualization of Graduate Admissions Data

  • Advanced Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Structures and Abstract Data Types
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Computer Graphics
  • Data Visualization
Physics (Astrophyics) B.S. with Highest Honors
University of California Santa Cruz, September 2014 - March 2019

Thesis: Bias Stability in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Camera

  • Physics of Stars
  • General Relativity
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • Advanced Astrophyics Labs
  • Mathematical Methods (Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Vector Calculus)


Software Engineer
Google, Mountain View, CA, April 2020 - Present

Web-based media comparison tools for hardware engineers. Full stack web apps (Angular, Node.js) and graphics (WebGL).

Engineering Resident
Google, Mountain View, CA, July 2019 - April 2020

One year training and technical rotation program for new CS grads.

Flight Software Intern
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 2018 - September 2018

Summer intern with the Small Scale Flight Software group, which maintains the F' embedded systems framework.

Software Developer Intern
NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA, June 2017 - August 2017

Summer intern for the Open MCT (Open Source Mission Control Technologies) project, a web framework for building mission control applications.

Technical Skills

  • JavaScript/TypeScript (Angular, Vue, Polymer, Node, WebGL, jQuery, D3)
  • HTML/CSS (Bootstrap, Material Design, SCSS)
  • Python (Flask, SciPy/Numpy)
  • Java
  • C++
  • Version control (git, mercurial, perforce)
  • Unit testing
  • bash
  • LaTeX